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New League, New Fields, Same Tradition

New League, New Fields, Same Tradition

Code of Conduct

Parents & Guardians Code Of Conduct

All parents/guardians who have children participating within the EPP must abide by a Code of Conduct, which includes but is not limited to the provisions that follow. Any violation of these rules or any EPP rules will result in immediate expulsion from EPP. In addition, you will forfeit your membership for the current season and any other subsequent year.



1. I/We shall furnish proof of Birth of applicant to EPP. (i.e.: Birth Certificate, Passport or Military ID.)

2. I/We shall give proof of residence to EPP. (i.e.: Drivers license with the player's address.)

3. I/We shall not smoke any tobacco products on the practice or playing field, or in the presence of a gathering of the team.(i.e.: After a game/practice or team meetings.)

4. I/We shall abstain from the possession and drinking of alcoholic beverages and the possession or use of any illegal substance at any EPP function. (i.e.: At games/practice, after a game/practice, team meetings or gatherings, including away games at other facilities)

5. I/We shall not deliberately incite and/or participate in unsportsmanlike conduct at any EPP function.i.e.: Using cheers or chants that would insult or taunt the opposing team or its fans, yelling loudly at your own children, and their team players or anyone else). This also includes treating the opposing team's fans with respect.

6. I/We shall never protest a game official, judge or Commissioners decision in an aggressive or demonstrative manner.

7. I/We shall not use abusive or profane language or actions at any time at any EPP function.

8. I/We shall not criticize, belittle, antagonize, berate or otherwise incite the opposing team, its players, coaches, fans, officials/judges or Commissioners by word of mouth or by gesture. These rules also apply with your own team, coaches, and league administrators.

9. I/We shall accept all decisions of the game officials as being fair and called to the best of their ability and to never directly engage on-field officials with comments, questions, or criticism.

10. I/We shall treat all children and adults at any EPP function with respect. This includes no gossip, speaking poorly of league personnel, managers and coaches, players, parents or fans. Any undermining of the league, its personnel or teams will not be tolerated. Penalties of suspension and expulsion of parents and their registered players may result.

11. I/We shall follow the proper Chain of Command when filing a complaint or voicing my opinion regarding any possible rule infraction within EPP.

The Chain of Command will be as follows:

You may only advance to the next level in the chain of command providing your situation has not been handled within 72 hours from your initial filing and you need further assistance. Any and all filings must to be done in writing.

  1. The Manager of your team.  If your complaint is regarding the Manager (this can not be about playing time or positions; that is up to the Manager) you may go to the next person in the chain.
  2. Division Commissioner
  3. The appropriate Vice-President/Board Member
  4. The East Palmdale PONY President

NOTE: If you go directly to PONY Baseball without permission you may be removed from this league without the right to appeal.

12. I/We shall not interfere with practices or games in any way. A Parent or Guardian shall never enter the field of play for any reason without the Manager's approval (this includes for injuries.) You shall not voice instructions, criticism, or guidance to players during games. The role of parents and guardians is to cheer and support ONLY. You also shall not pull players off the field to talk to them, feed them, etc.

13. I/We shall take responsibility for any actions that violate this Code of Conduct by a guest or relative of attending parents/guardians.

14. I/We shall not bring in air horns, cowbells, drums or any other noisemaking device into any field with EPP games.

15. Any act of disrespect will result in removal from the league. Any negative act from a parent or fan directed towards game officials or EPP officials, creating a disturbance either parent or fan directed towards game officials or EPP officials, creating a disturbance either in the stands or on the playing field will result in an ejection. If you are ejected from the game, practice or event, by a EPP official or game official, the penalty will be handed down to that individual immediately by the league official, and the assessed penalty will not require a hearing to be assessed.

16. If I/We have been ejected or removed from any EPP function. I/We shall refrain from attending any practices/games/competitions for the period of my punishment. However, any penalty assessed to any individual may be appealed in writing to the Board within 72 hours from the time the penalty was assessed. The Board's decisions will be final.

17. Any player that is disruptive, violent in any way, endangers others, plays dirty, uses foul language, disrespects any players, coaches or fans will be dismissed from the league. All of our players will play the right way.


East Palmdale Pony Baseball

Email: [email protected]

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